Friday, March 14 2025

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    Menu navigation error. This user doesn't have access to folder PT_TOOLS_HIDDEN. Contact the portal administrator. (95,136)

    How to resolve this error message in PeopleSoft?: "Menu navigation error. This user doesn't have access to folder PT_TOOLS_HIDDEN. Contact the portal administrator. (95,136)"

    This error message gets displayed on top of PeopleSoft page instead of the usual PeopleSoft Universal Navigation Header which contains links to Home, Main Menu, Favorites, Sign Out etc. If this error message comes up on clicking Personalize Content(or even otherwise) the issue is with the Folder Security. PT_TOOLS_HIDDEN is a folder and can be accessed in the following navigation: PeopleTools > Portal > Structure and Content > Tools - Hidden.
    Then click on the Security tab and verify that at least one of the permission lists that are attached to any of the users'(one facing this error message) role is added. The default permission list for this folder is PTPT1000. 

    Generally, what happens is we clone PTPT1000 for production environment and may fail to add the cloned permission list to all the folders and content references which becomes the root cause for such issues. Another issue surrounding PTPT1000 permission list can be accessed here - Authorization Error in "Top Menu Features Description".


    1. blank

      This is the root cause...great post...fixed on the first time!!

    2. blank

      Really very nice sharing.
      It solved my problem which i was facing for a week.
      Thanks a lot.

    3. blank

      Thanks so much!! This solved my problem within 10 minutes. :)

    4. blank

      Thanks for the post. We had similar issue and was able to resolve in minutes.

      Thanks again


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