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    Data from a encrypted field cannot be decrypt in a PS-Query

    Recently, I was analyzing ways in which we could encrypt/decrypt data stored in PeopleSoft using PeopleTools utilities. Out of curiosity, I wanted to know how a query tool will fetch data from an encrypted field. Irrespective of the method by which data in a particular record/field is encrypted, the PSQuery tool will always return only the encrypted data.

    I started searching ways to decrypt the data and display it in PSQuery tool without any success. It looks like, Encrypt and Decrypt functions can only be used from PeopleCode. Unfortunately there are no other options in the PSQuery tool to decrypt the data and display in PS-Query results. I was still searching for a delivered way within PeopleTools until it hit my mind that, if one could decode the encryption and display the data through a query or reporting tool, then it would be a Security Issue.

    As a workaround, by using peoplecode either through a PeopleSoft process or from within the component(where encrypted data is stored in a record) in SavePostChange event, one could use Decrypt function and save the decoded data in a separate record/field. And this table can be given access to a particular query tree and be used for PSQuery. However, this will destabilize the Security reasons which prompted to encrypt the data. This is something that crossed my mind however it is best to leave the encrypted data AS-IS.

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